A Five-Step Method for Daily Happiness. Simple ways to feel happier each day.

Beauty is everywhere. You only have to look to see it.” —Bob Ross

Even though happiness isn't easy to catch, everyone tries to capture it.

Because of this, there are a lot of theories and ideas about how to be happy.


But the way I see it, happiness is different for everyone. It means different things to others, and it's hard to describe.

Happiness can't be bought in a shop, car dealership, or expensive house, despite what most people think.

Happiness is a state of mind that doesn't last all the time.

It comes and goes, but you're always aware it's there.


From what I've seen, there's no one way to be happy that works for everyone. However, there are things you can do every day to feel more comfortable.

Here are some suggestions for how to be happy in your everyday life.

Put your own ideas in the comments and tell me how you make yourself happy.


Do something about it

You know those people who always have something wrong to say?

The ones who always have something to complain about and, when you try to help, say, "Yeah, but..." and then keep complaining?

It's almost as if they like being unhappy and need to talk about how bad things are in their lives without doing anything to change them.

Sadly, this is how a lot of people live their lives.

They think of themselves as victims and go through life aimlessly, not taking responsibility for their choices or how they helped make their dire situations.

They don't care about the good things and focus on the bad stuff.

You have to be responsible and committed to yourself if you want to be happy in the long run.

It would help if you were interested in life and wanted to be a part of it.

You must be willing to pay attention to what is going right and wrong.

Happiness isn't a destination; it's a commitment to your health, well-being, and pleasure for the rest of your life.

Do something about the things you want to change instead of complaining about them. You could also change how you see the situation, which is another way of doing something about them.


Know that you are in charge of yourself

Let me tell you a secret: your happiness level will change significantly if you decide how you feel on your own instead of letting outside circumstances choose for you.

When you keep your emotions in check on the inside, you can decide how to deal with each issue or problem that comes up in your life.

You can choose to hide, hate your life, yell, point the finger at others, face your problems, deal with life head-on, curse, use drugs, work out, etc.

Even if you don't always feel like it, you can choose how to deal with life's ups and downs.

It doesn't matter if the problem gets solved or not. What matters is how you keep your happiness and sense of worth during the process.


Come first to yourself

If you've read some of my other blogs and posts, you know I like it when people put themselves first.

I also believe that people should take charge of their own lives, which fits this thinking.

In the past, other people completely ran my life. I realised that if I didn't change, I would keep giving up control of my life so that others would like me.

Giving up the idea that you have to live your life the way other people say you should is one way to be happy.

It means realising that your life is valuable and that you have the same right as anyone else to live it the way you want.

It often means doing things, acting in ways, and making decisions that make you happy instead of what you think you should do.

When you can be happy with your choices, you make it possible for happiness to come into your life and stay there.


Keep your thoughts in check

Think of something that made you sad or angry.

Now you should ask yourself where those feelings came from.

They probably came from your mind.

Neuroscience research has shown that your brain can't differentiate between actually experiencing something and thinking about it.

This means you can change your body and how you feel by thinking about it.

Whether or not you are aware of them, your thoughts usually come before your feelings.

So, if you keep your thoughts under control, you also keep your feelings under control.

Many wrongly think other people make them angry, sad, or upset.

But the truth is that you let them make you upset by thinking about what they do and why they do it.

A big part of becoming a happy person is changing the way you think about things and realising that you control how you feel, what you think, and how you act around others.

No one can really "make" you feel one way or another.


Stay in the here and now

Being present in the now, or living in the moment, is a great way to live a happy life.

Now is all there is; there is no other moment.

Our culture doesn't see how important it is to live in the moment.

We keep losing the present by thinking about the past and the future, making up "what if" scenarios and worrying about things that probably won't happen.

I try to keep myself from getting anxious by focusing on what I'm doing right now.

I've noticed that when I'm bored, it's harder to focus on the present; it's easier to think about other things.

But when I'm doing things I enjoy, it's easy for me to stay in the moment.

I love writing, reading, teaching, working as a coach, and playing video games.

I know this because I don't have to try very hard to be present when doing those things.

It's essential to pay attention and be in the moment no matter what you're doing.

When your mind starts to wander, bring it back.

I do this by repeatedly focusing on my breath and telling myself, "And the breath comes in, And the breath goes out."

Enjoy every moment and focus on the present.

Get your mind off what happened in the past and what will happen in the future.

Bring yourself to this very moment because that's all there is.


One Last Thing

I know that even if you don't like where you are, staying in the same place is "safer," more accessible, and more comfortable.

I also know that writing about being happy is much easier than actually being happy.

But if you keep having the same thoughts that keep you stuck and keep doing the same things that keep you stuck, you will only stay in the cycle of being unhappy.


Your life is the sum of your choices, whether you like to hear that or not.

No one else is in charge of you or your happiness but you!

There will always be things like death, illness, or losing your job that bring you down.

But as time goes by and you really mourn your losses, you will always be able to choose happiness again.

You need to understand that having problems is a normal part of life and shouldn't make you a sad person for the rest of your life.

We all need a helping hand from time to time. Please share this post with as many people as possible. You never know who might need it.

You Belong Here.


Mindfulness makes you happier but you might be surprised at the reason why.


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